
Angela’s fees are below those recommended by the Australian Psychological Society, which are currently set at $311.00 per hour. Treatment services do not attract GST.

Fees for private clients are currently charged at $305.00 per hour.  Concession clients are currently charged at $255.00 per hour. Concession fees apply to self-funded full time students, holders of a pension or health care card, and young people aged 15 and under.  Fees for Saturday and evening sessions attract an additional $10.00 per hour.

Payment is required at the end of each session, and may be made by cash or EFTPOS.  A HICAPS merchant facility is available allowing clients to claim their Medicare or (where available) participating Private Health Fund rebate on the spot.

Psychological or medico-legal reports are charged according to the APS Schedule of Fees and Charges, and attract a GST component.  Please enquire for further details.

Cancellation Policy

If for some reason you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, I would appreciate it if you could let me know at least 24 hours in advance.  If sufficient time is provided, I may be able to offer your appointment to someone else, in which case you would not be charged for not attending.  Otherwise, a $155.00 cancellation fee will be payable unless there are extenuating circumstances such as illness or accident. If you fail to attend a scheduled appointment without notice then the full cost of the session will be charged.


If you have been referred by your GP or Psychiatrist then you will be eligible for a rebate from Medicare for 10 sessions per calendar year.  In some cases you may still be eligible claim from your health care fund if you are privately insured, however this will not cover the gap fee.  Please check with your private health fund to confirm any rebates available to you.

Angela is registered with Medicare to provide specialist (clinical) “Psychological Therapy” items. This means that clients referred by their GP or psychiatrist with a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) receive a Medicare rebate of  $141.84. Therefore, the gap you pay for each session is just $163.16 for private clients, and $113.16 if you receive the concession rate.

Telephone Consultations and Crises

As I operate as sole practitioner, I have limited capabilities in emergency situations such as admission to hospital. In such cases, you may be better to contact your General Practitioner, or the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team in your area.

I trust this information has been helpful. If you have any other queries please feel free to contact me.